A Mother on her journey to live a more intentional life…


Becoming Intentionally Me

Have you ever just sat there and thought, “I am NOT doing what makes me happy…”?  Whether that be in your personal or professional life, or both?  I know I have, many times over my 42 years.  Why do we yield to the wants or demands of others, instead of our own wants and dreams?  Thousands of reasons can lead us to where we are now, and not where we’ve wanted to be in our lives.  It’s usually not a simple answer.  I think though, the most important thing we can do for ourselves now, is recognize that we need to make a change.  You may not even know which, or how many changes you need to make, but you can feel it in your gut.  Your inner monologue is telling you, “I cannot continue to live this way, or I will have too many regrets at the end of my life.”  I know that can be a heavy thought; thinking about the end of our lives.  But for some, it comes way faster than it should, by way of tragedy or illness.  I have lost someone close to me who did not live to their 39th birthday due to COVID; and a parent at only 74 years of age due to a failing body.  Both of them I lost within months of each other.  On one hand, you can see where one did not live long enough to have those old age regrets, and was robbed of his future.  The other, I saw live out her last years with many regrets of things not done that she told me about.  

So much personal reflection has taken place since their deaths.  I have had a nagging feeling more and more, that I am not where I want to be.  I don’t live where I want to.  I don’t have the career that I want to.  I have not done for myself what I should have been doing, all these adult years of my life.

Well, I think it’s time for a change!  Don’t you?  What about for yourself?  What are you not doing for yourself, that you want to be doing?  Life can be amazingly short, and it’s precious.  Let’s not waste our time doing the things that don’t bring us joy and happiness.  Let’s begin to live intentional lives.

What is living an “intentional life”?  Well, the nice thing is, you can define it yourself.  It’s open ended to what brings you joy and happiness, by way of thinking ahead of your decisions, and choosing your path to happiness and fulfillment.  You get to decide what you value and choose for yourself, not anyone else.  You start making your life’s decisions based on those things, and you will find yourself on a path to becoming more intentional.

This blog will be my account of Becoming Intentionally Me.  There will be successes and failures, and I will share them all with you; in the hopes that you perhaps can find some inspiration, enjoyment, and possibly some giggles.  In no way see my successes and failures as the things you should or shouldn’t do too.  Like I said, this journey to Becoming Intentional is tailored to each one of us, by each one of us.  I will share with you any knowledge I research along the way if it becomes relevant to my successes and failures as well.  

So…welcome to my little corner of, Becoming Intentionally Me.  Bring along your favorite beverage, cozy blanket, and stay awhile.  I thank you for stopping by!  


Take Time to View the Flowers